Pismo potpore talijanskih kolega iz pera glasovitog snimatelja Luciana Tovolia, AIC, ASC

Talijanski kolege, predvođeni velikim maestrom, Lucianom Tovoliem, AIC, ASC, podržavaju borbu hrvatskih snimatelja za očuvanje digniteta profesije. Saluti!

To the Croatian Cinematographers Society HFS

“Dear President, dear croatian colleagues,

I would like to extend to your Society all my personal and AIC solidarity for the fight of defending the acquired in time rights as Authors of the Cinematography, rights that, taking ominous advantage of  a common tragic worldwide moment, a blind administration is trying to wipe out from the authorship law  with no reasons and explanations contradicting any civilized  attitude?

What has changed in the last years, or in the last year  or in the last month  to justify such an incredible negative decision? Do films exist without the Cinematographic visual aspect ? Do screenplayers, directors, musicians be able to put their dreams in meaningful images without the creative and technical collaboration of  the since ever existing figure of the Cinematographer ?

Surely in this field of the creative imagery  nothing has changed and surely the new technologies  did not diminish the leading role of “The man behind the camera” to cite the title of the magnificent book of my late friend Nestor Almendros , just the opposite giving more refined tools to “each man behind the camera”.

IMAGO, the organism that reunites all the Cinematographers, organism of which I am so proud having been in 1992 in Cinecittà its ideator and co-founder,  will continue to help the members Societies to try to conquer and all together defend the Authorial recogition for the Cinematography as a  creative work .

Kindest regards

Luciano Tovoli

AIC Past President and member

ASC Member

IMAGO Ideator, Co-founder , Past President and Honorary member

FSF Honorary member

AIP Nonorary member

Mobile +39 3356113090