
Applications for the “Nikola Tanhofer” award

From 1 March 2016 to 1 April 2016, works in all categories can be submitted to compete for the second annual Nikola Tanhofer award, presented by the Croatian Cinematographers Society.

As in the previous two years, the award will be presented for best achievements in cinematographic art with the aim to validate authorial distinctiveness and cinematographic excellence and to promote motion picture photography, visual and film culture.

The annual cinematographers’ award is presented in three categories:

1. Feature film

2. TV series

3. Short film forms

Eligible to compete for the C.C.S. annual award are works within the stated categories that premiered in cinema distribution or TV programs broadcasted in the territory of the Republic of Croatia in the period from 1 January to 31 December 2015.

In the category of short film forms, the condition for eligibility is being in competition at a domestic or foreign film festival held in the same period.

Natural and/or legal persons submitting their works to be considered for the annual HFS award are require do deliver at least one copy of the respective project in digital format to HFS.

In the category of TV series, it is sufficient to deliver one episode of the TV series in question.

The award decision will be made by a three-member jury, consisting of HFS members.

Works competing for the annual cinematographers’ award can be submitted by cinematography authors themselves (HFS membership optional), the production company under which the project was completed and HFS members, regardless of whether they have participated in the production of the nominated project.

The date and place of the award ceremony are to be announced.

In the pre-selection procedure, the jury will select up to three works that will enter the final consideration for the award. Nomination as one of the three works considered for the annual award in each category represents a recognition received by the author of cinematography in written form.

A received annual HFS award or nomination for the same can be used in the promotion of award or nomination winning projects.

The C.C.S. will publish the information on winners on its website (www.hfs.com.hr), notify the media and also report to IMAGO – European Federation of Cinematographers, of which C.C.S. is a full member.

Since I believe that we all care for promoting the film and visual culture, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to submit the works that in your opinion meet the high artistic and aesthetic criteria that HFS upholds in its work.

Our efforts have been recognized by the Croatian Audiovisual Center (HAVC), under whose patronage the annual cinematographers’ award was established.

The works need to be submitted in writing to the address: Hrvatska udruga filmskih snimatelja, Britanski trg 12, 10000 Zagreb or by

email at kontakt@hfs.com.hr.

You can download the application form at the bottom of this post.

The contact persons for additional clarifications are Branko Linta (branko.linta@me.com) and Mario Sablić (mario.sablic@gmail.com).

Best regards,

Mario Sablić

President of the Croatian Cinematographers Society