Pismo podrške Estonskih snimateljica i snimatelja. Hvala predsjednici Elen Lotman! Ujedno iskazujemo punu podršku njihovim naporima za očuvanjem pravičnog autorskog statusa za sve kreativne osobnosti uključene u stvaranje audiovizualnog sadržaja.
Pismo prenosimo u cijelosti!
To the Croatian Ministry of Culture
Letter of Support
We hereby express our full support to the Croatian Society of Cinematographers in their fight to retain the position of co-authourship within the Croatian authorship law.
Estonian film creatives are currently going through a similar process, with the adoption of the Digital Single Market Directive ongoing and we are aware of the reasons the Member States’ national authorship laws are looked into during the process. But, let us point out one very important aspect that needs to be kept in mind during the DSM adoption. The Digital Single Market Directive has been designed to protect the authors, who are very often in the weaker position inside the cultural economic value chain, but without whom no creation would exist. Yet some Member States have started the DSM adoption process conteplating the exclusion of some of the authors named the local authorship law that have been listed there prior the DSM adoption process. This is the absolute opposite to the idea of DSM Directive.
Filmmakers all over Europe will stand against this kind of backwards developments in order to make sure the adoption of DSM will carry the main idea of the Directive – to protect the authors. We fully support that cinematographer as one of the important co-authors of every film would be continuously listed in the Croatian authorship law also after the DSM adoption process has been finished. We also encourage the different Croatian Ministries included in the DSM adoption process to ask for the input from all the relevant stakeholders – including the cinematographers.
Cordially yours,
Elen Lotman
President of Estonian Society of Cinematographers