Zanimljiv osvrt Grčkog društva za prikupljanje autorskih prava

Svoju zabrinutost mogućim promjenama u Zakonu o autorskim i srodnim pravima izrazilo je i Grčko društvo za prikupljanje autorskih prava, ISOCRATIS, koje zastupa niz filmskih profesija koje su u Grčkoj smatrane ko-autorima audiovizualnog djela. Veliko hvala grčkim kolegama.


Royalties Collecting Society

For the rights of

Directors of Photography, Scenographers, Film Editors, Sound Recordists, Costume Designers

25, Valtetsiou st., 10680, Athens Greece Tel. +30 210 3626752, e-mail:

To the Croatian Cinematographers Society HFS

Dear colleagues,

ISOCRATIS is the Collecting Society that handles rights of co-authors in Greece.

Authorship is covered by two major laws:

Law 2121/1993 is the law that covers most critical issues.

In its article 34, § 2 the Law 2121/1993 states:

“Individual contribution creators are to be considered especially the script writer, the dialogue writer, the music composer, the director of photography, the scenographer? the costume designer, the sound recordist and the editor.”

The most recent Law 4481/2017 is dealing mainly with administrative issues, regarding the Collecting Societies.

No change on authorsenumeration has been implemented.

We are very concerned with your report.

It is a fact that Directors of Photography are co-authors.

We find any attempt of legislation that denies this fact to be against reason.

Athens, May 19, 2020

The President of ISOCRATIS board

Argyris Theos, GSC

1 Aka Cinematographer

2 aka Production Designer